Debug why nodes have not joined the cluster
If your control plane API endpoint has become available, but nodes are not joining the hosted cluster, you can check the following:
Check that your machines have been created in the control plane namespace:
If machines don't exist, check that a machinedeployment and machineset have been created:
In the case that no machinedeployment has been created look at the logs of the hypershift operator:oc get machinedeployment -n $CONTROL_PLANE_NAMESPACE oc get machineset -n $CONTROL_PLANE_NAMESPACE
oc logs deployment/operator -n hypershift
If the machines exist but have not been provisioned, check the log of the cluster API provider:
oc logs deployment/capi-provider -c manager -n $CONTROL_PLANE_NAMESPACE
If machines exist and have been provisioned, check that they have been initialized via ignition. If you are using AWS, you can look at the system console logs of the machines by using the hypershift console-logs utility:
./bin/hypershift console-logs aws --name $HC_NAME --aws-creds ~/.aws/credentials --output-dir /tmp/console-logs
The console logs will be placed in the destination directory. When looking at the console logs look for any errors accessing the ignition endpoint via https. If there are, then issue is somehow the ignition endpoint exposed by the control plane is not accessible from the worker instances.
If the machines look like they have been provisioned correctly, you can access the systemd journal of each machine. You can do this by first creating a bastion machine that will allow you to ssh to worker nodes and running a utility script that will download logs from the machines.
Extract the public/private key for the cluster. If you created the cluster with the --generate-ssh flag, a ssh key for your cluster was placed in the same namespace as the hosted cluster (default
). If you specified your own key and know how to access it, you can skip this step.mkdir /tmp/ssh oc get secret -n clusters ${NAME}-ssh-key -o jsonpath='{ .data.id_rsa }' | base64 -d > /tmp/ssh/id_rsa oc get secret -n clusters ${NAME}-ssh-key -o jsonpath='{ .data.id_rsa\.pub }' | base64 -d > /tmp/ssh/
Create a bastion machine
./bin/hypershift create bastion aws --aws-creds ~/.aws/credentials --name $CLUSTER_NAME --ssh-key-file /tmp/ssh/
Run the following script to extract journals from each of your workers:
mkdir /tmp/journals INFRAID="$(oc get hc -n clusters $CLUSTER_NAME -o jsonpath='{ .spec.infraID }')" SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=/tmp/ssh/id_rsa ./test/e2e/util/dump/ /tmp/journals
Machine journals should be placed in the
directory in compressed format. Extract them and look for a repeating error near the bottom that should indicate why the kubelet has not been able to join the cluster.